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One more Joke 06/07/2006

Von Feierabend-Mitglied Dienstag 30.04.2024, 12:28

Two Irish workmen are digging a ditch across from a brothel, when one notices a rabbi walking into the place. The first workman says to the other, "Sure, it's a sad day when men of the cloth go into a place like that." After a little while, the other man sees a vicar walking into the brothel. He stands up and says to his workmate, "Now, did you see that? No wonder the children today are so confused with the example the clergy is setting for them." After about another hour, the first workman sees a Catholic priest walk in. He promptly stands up and proclaims to his partner, "Aye, that is truly sad. One of the poor girls must be dying."


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